Lifetime Memberships

Offer lifetime deals to find early-adopters

Want more ideas to grow your online biz? Get the good stuff 1-2 times a month (you won't regret it!)




Ending soon


Offering lifetime memberships is an effective way to find first users and to get early traction.

This pricing strategy particularly makes sense if your marginal cost for each additional customer is small to none, and if your product's repeat is low (less than once a month).

Marketplaces like AppSumo can give massive exposure to your product if you're willing to offer these kind of deals.

But keep in mind that lifetime memberships can be tricky. What happens if you need to close your company, or if you get acquired? Remember to draft a separate contract, stipulating what happens when a customer can no longer access your service through no fault of yours.

An alternative is to structure it differently, as a fee for 3 years, after which you may decide to provide access free of charge if you so decide.