Feature Requests Follow-Up

Make your users feel that their opinion is valuable

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SUBJECTFollowing-up on your feature request
Hi {first name},
Ian from Playbooks

It’s frustrating to share ideas and to get nothing in return. If your customers participate in the roadmap and don’t know if they are heard, they will go elsewhere.

Follow-up with the customers that have helped you forge the path of your product. They are your allies and need to be complimented.

Show some empathy and send them a personal email when you release a feature they have interacted within the roadmap.

Another possibility is to give them beta access to those features and try to get feedback from them.

At StatusPage.io, they track customer feature requests in a Google spreadsheet. When a user makes a request, they log it in the spreadsheet and get on the phone to chat with the customer as appropriate.

Feature Requests Follow-Up

When the feature is built, they reach back out the customer to tell them about the feature. Often, that will be part of a short sales process in which they get the customer to upgrade to a higher tier plan that includes the new feature. They used this method to grow their annual recurring revenue from $0 to $2.49M and it drove upgrades which increased their average revenue per customer by 2.4x.