Cursor Rules for
Tailwind CSS 4

This rule explains Tailwind CSS 4 changes, new features, and best practices for modern UI development.
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3 copies
description: This rule explains Tailwind CSS 4 changes, new features, and best practices for modern UI development.
globs: *
alwaysApply: false

# Tailwind CSS 4 rules

## Core Changes

- Use CSS-first configuration with `@theme` directive instead of JavaScript config `tailwind.config.js`:

@import "tailwindcss";

@theme {
  --font-display: "Satoshi", "sans-serif";
  --breakpoint-3xl: 1920px;
  --color-avocado-500: oklch(0.84 0.18 117.33);
  --ease-fluid: cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0, 1);

- Import legacy config files with the `@config` directive:

@import "tailwindcss";
@config "../../tailwind.config.js";

- Use `@import "tailwindcss"` instead of separate `@tailwind` directives:

/* Old way */
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

/* New way */
@import "tailwindcss";

- Use updated package names:
  - PostCSS plugin: `@tailwindcss/postcss` (not `tailwindcss`)
  - CLI: `@tailwindcss/cli`
  - Vite plugin: `@tailwindcss/vite`

## Theme Configuration

- Use CSS variables for all design tokens:

/* In CSS */
.custom-element {
  background-color: var(--color-blue-500);
  font-family: var(--font-sans);

- Available CSS variable namespaces:
  - `--color-*`: Colors (e.g., `--color-blue-500`)
  - `--font-*`: Font families (e.g., `--font-sans`)
  - `--text-*`: Font sizes (e.g., `--text-xl`)
  - `--font-weight-*`: Font weights (e.g., `--font-weight-bold`)
  - `--spacing-*`: Spacing values (e.g., `--spacing-4`)
  - `--radius-*`: Border radius (e.g., `--radius-md`)
  - `--shadow-*`: Box shadows (e.g., `--shadow-lg`)

- Override entire namespaces or the whole theme:

@theme {
  /* Override all font variables */
  --font-*: initial;
  /* Override the entire theme */
  --*: initial;

## Container Queries

- Use container queries with `@container` and container-based breakpoints:

<!-- Create a container context -->
<div class="@container">
  <!-- Elements that respond to container size, not viewport -->
  <div class="@sm:text-lg @md:text-xl @lg:text-2xl">
    Responsive to container

- Use max-width container queries and ranges:

<div class="@container">
  <!-- Hidden when container is between md and xl breakpoints -->
  <div class="@max-md:block @min-md:@max-xl:hidden @min-xl:block">
    Conditionally visible

## 3D Transforms

- Use 3D transforms with new utilities:

<!-- Enable 3D transforms -->
<div class="transform-3d rotate-x-12 rotate-y-6 translate-z-4 perspective-distant">
  3D transformed element

<!-- Control backface visibility -->
<div class="transform-3d rotate-y-180 backface-hidden">
  Card back (hidden when flipped)

## Enhanced Gradients

- Use new gradient syntax and features:

<!-- Linear gradient with specific angle -->
<div class="bg-linear-45 from-blue-500 to-purple-500">
  45-degree gradient

<!-- Gradient with specific color space interpolation -->
<div class="bg-linear-to-r/oklch from-blue-500 to-red-500">
  Linear gradient with OKLCH interpolation

<!-- Conic and radial gradients -->
<div class="bg-conic from-red-500 via-yellow-500 to-green-500">
  Conic gradient

<div class="bg-radial-[at_25%_25%] from-amber-500 to-transparent">
  Radial gradient with custom position

## New Variants

- Use composable variants by chaining them:

<div class="group">
  <!-- Only visible when parent has data-active attribute and is hovered -->
  <span class="opacity-0 group-has-data-active:group-hover:opacity-100">
    Conditionally visible

- Use new variants:

<!-- Styles applied during CSS transitions -->
<div class="opacity-0 starting:opacity-100 transition">
  Fade in on initial render

<!-- Target elements that are not in a specific state -->
<div class="not-first:mt-4">
  Margin top on all but first item

<!-- Target specific nth-child positions -->
  <li class="nth-3:bg-gray-100">Every third item has gray background</li>

<!-- Target all descendants -->
<div class="**:text-gray-800">
  All text inside is gray-800

## Custom Extensions

- Create custom utilities with `@utility` directive:

@utility tab-4 {
  tab-size: 4;

/* Usage */
<pre class="tab-4">
  Indented with tabs

- Create custom variants with `@variant` directive:

@variant pointer-coarse (@media (pointer: coarse));
@variant theme-midnight (&:where([data-theme="midnight"] *));

/* Usage */
<button class="pointer-coarse:p-4">
  Larger padding on touch devices

- Use plugins with `@plugin` directive:

@plugin "@tailwindcss/typography";

## Breaking Changes

- Use new syntax for CSS variables in arbitrary values:

<!-- Old way -->
<div class="bg-[--brand-color]">
  Using CSS variable

<!-- New way -->
<div class="bg-(--brand-color)">
  Using CSS variable

- Use renamed utilities:

<!-- Old way -->
<div class="shadow-sm rounded-sm blur-sm"></div>

<!-- New way -->
<div class="shadow-xs rounded-xs blur-xs"></div>

## Advanced Configuration

- Add a prefix to all Tailwind classes:

@import "tailwindcss" prefix(tw);

/* Results in classes like: */
<div class="tw:flex tw:bg-blue-500 tw:hover:bg-blue-600">
  Prefixed classes

- Configure dark mode:

@import "tailwindcss";
@variant dark (&:where(.dark, .dark *));

/* Usage */
<div class="dark">
  <p class="text-gray-900 dark:text-white">
    Dark mode text

- Customize container:

@utility container {
  margin-inline: auto;
  padding-inline: 2rem;