description: This rule explains how to build Livewire components and use the TALL stack effectively.
globs: *.blade.php
alwaysApply: false
# Laravel TALL rules
- Livewire components namespace is now App\Livewire and not App\Http\Livewire
- To dispatch events we always use `$this->dispatch()`, not `$this->emit` or `$this->dispatchBrowserEvent`
- The layout path is now components.layouts.app instead of layouts.app
- `wire:model` is deferred by default so to achieve same behavior as before we need to use `wire:model.live`
- The same applies for `@entangle`
- When updating a Livewire blade component everything must be within a single <div> tag, if you need to add custom CSS, put that in [app.css](mdc:resources/css/app.css)
- Any time you have a loop in Blade templates using something like @foreach, you need to add wire:key to the opening tag of the first element within the loop. The same applies to Livewire components within a loop.
- Livewire includes its own bundle of Alpine under the hood we do not need to manually include it in the resources/js/app.js or with a script tag in the Blade View.
- Use #[On('event-name')] attribute for event listeners instead of protected $listeners
- Use wire:dirty to style elements when the component is in a dirty/unsaved state
- Use wire:loading for loading states during actions
- Use wire:confirm for confirmation dialogs